Business relations
Relations between the GEn department and companies in energy and environment sectors take a variety of forms.
A special partnership can be set up between a class and a company that shares common values with the department. This sponsorship covers the three years of the engineering cycle until the graduation of the chosen year. This sponsorship gives also students the possibility to know more about the company (site visits, business conferences, etc.) and allows the company to play an active role in the GEn training (projects, work placements, presentations, etc.).
The class of 2024 (students entering in September 2021 and graduating in 2024) is sponsored by the CNR (Companie Nationale du Rhône).
Business Forum
During two days in October, companies from energy and environment sectors are welcomed in our premices to present themselves and discuss with the department's fifth year students. Companies are invited to talk about their activity, their economic policy strategy, research, career and job offers. Then, students are allowed to conduct a discussion in small groups with these partners.
GEn Alumni evening
In early October, graduates of the department are invited to an evening to discuss about their career paths and professional experiences with future graduates to help them prepare for their professional integration. This is invaluable information for future graduates before they start their own job search.
Partner companies can be involved in the GEn courses, especially during the last year of the training, which is designed to prepare students to the professional world, social understanding and civic responsability. Companies, local authorities or associations can also suggest subjects for the GEnEPI team projects or the "Data Science for Energy" course.
Career conferences
Every year, the department organises career conferences to present a company related to our professional sectors, qualifications and available jobs but also sustainable and socially responsible business management for future graduates.
Extended Department Council
Once a year, the department's partner companies are invited to attend the extended department council meeting to give their opinion on the training and its development. Eight personalities are chosen by the INSA Board of Directors on the recommendation of the Department Council and on the basis of their competence and their position in the main working sectors covered by our training.
Apprenticeship tax
Companies can also contribute to the running of the department by paying the apprenticeship tax. Fore more information, you can contact gen-secretariat@insa-lyon.fr