

Worldwide exchanges

The international exchange policy has been set up and improved over years to give students the opportunity to study abroad. Almost all our students have been studying in European and non-European countries for at least five months (40% as part of academic exchanges and 60% as part of introduction to research internships).

Academic exchanges are ruled by numerous agreements between INSA and worldwide partner universities. Discovering an international environment, new working methods and adapting to multicultural situations in renowned universities abroad are key factors in an engineer’s training. As well, internships allow students to master scientific oral and written communication in multicultural research units.

Most of our students go to countries like Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, the Scandinavian countries, Japan, South America, USA and Canada.

See below the list of our partner universities :

Since September 2020, a virtual carbon badge has been introduced with the aim to have GEn students responsible for their carbon footprint when travelling abroad.

This badge is the result of a 2019-2020 POLEn project called "Flygskam"and led by a GEnEPI group of 3 GEn students in coordination with the INSA Lyon's Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility Management Unit (CeDDRS) as a client. The goal was to study the carbon impact of the use of aeroplanes for student internships and exchanges, and to propose solutions to lower its consequences. The objective of the carbon badge is to raise students' awareness of the impact of the plane on their carbon footprint, and if possible to reduce the department's carbon footprint from internships and exchanges.