Accueil GEN

Energy and Environmental Engineering


66 graduate engineers each year

The Department for Energy and Environmental Engineering (GEn) of INSA Lyon offers training opportunity for future professionals, operating in the fields of energy and environmental sciences. The multi skilling academic program enables our students to work in various sectors including energy production and supply, energy efficiency, HVAC and building energy performance, energy consulting, process engineering, waste management, etc. The Department was created in the mid-seventies owing to the first oil crisis, a period which also announced an emerging and growing awareness about environmental considerations.

The GEn Department draws on advice and support from:

 A network of former graduated engineers who contribute to the performance and the relevance of our training courses and regularly inform about job and traineeship offers.

  • The AGENIL – the students’ association of the Department – which organizes many students’ activities and events in partnership with our professional contacts (simulated job interviews, conferences, forum, etc.).

The GEn Department is also a member of the ASTEE (Scientific and Technical Association for Water and Environment) and the CLER (Network for the Energy Transition).
