Double degrees
The GEn department offers 3 national double degrees with 3 specialist schools :

Training courses
The GEn department offers 3 national double degrees with 3 specialist schools :
Training courses
The GEn department has links with many partner companies that contribute in various ways to its operation and development :
La fin d'année scolaire approche et avec elle commencent les temps fort pour nos élèves de 3ᵉ année.
C'est dans la salle de spectacle de La Rotonde que s'est tenue cette année la Cérémonie de Remise des Diplômes qui a fêté avec bienveillance, humour et bonne humeur les cinq années d'études et la réussite de notre Promotion 2023.
Energy and Environmental Engineering
Energy and Environmental Engineering
The profile of GEn engineers is very varied, which can be explained by a broad field of expertise in the energy and environmental sectors
Training courses
The GEn department is located in the Sadi Carnot building, at 7-11 rue de la Physique on the LyonTech La Doua campus, a 5-minute walk from the La Doua-Gaston Berger tramway stop :
Infos utiles
The international exchange policy has been set up and improved over years to give students the opportunity to study abroad. Almost all our students have been studying in European and non-European countries for at least five months (40% as part of academic exchanges and 60% as part of introduction to research internships).